psyccmd - a tool to remote control a PSYC entity or application
psycplay - a tool to remote control a PSYC music player
psyccmd [-t <uniform>] [-b <uniform>] [-m <method>] [<command>] or psycplay [-t <uniform>] [-b <uniform>] <file>Other options: -v Be verbose. -q Be quieter. -n No action.
This little thing sends _request_execute containing what you provide on the command line (or with every line of stdin) to a PSYC entity given by option, or to the local port 1144 which is the default for the jukebox server psycamp.
As long as Net::PSYC does not provide any encryption, you should use this within a trustworthy local network or as a localhost service.
carlo von lynX.
This program is free software, published under the Affero GNU Public License. A disclaimer isn't necessary in my country, nor do I need to mention the current year to assert a copyright.